A unique and personalised Japanese hand-crafted hanger makes for a lovely gift this festive season. Did you know Arterton offer engraving services on all of our Nakata hangers, starting at just £3? The Luxury Gift Hanger will certainly shine this Christmas. Available in a range of festive colours including Wine Red, Regalia Blue and Racing Green. Please note that Wednesday 18th December is the last day to order engraved hangers for delivery before Christmas. #wardrobecare #bespoke #nakatahanger #nakata #madeinjapan #mayfair #suitlover #sumisura #sartoria#classicgentleman #suits #tailoring #customsuits#garmentcare #japanesewoodworking #savilerow#woodworking #styleforum #coathangers #wardrobecare#rakish #bespoke #dapper #hirakanna #patina #handwelted#japanesecarpentry
Brushing your garments is key to maintaining the cloths quality look and feel. A garment brush is preferable to lint rollers as to ensure no unwanted adhesive in left behind. Nakata’s Luxury Garment Brush is composed of horsehair and European Beechwood. The oval shape allows for greater surface area, optimised for general brushing of various cloth. Made in Japan, Nakata craft with expertise. Trusted by satorials and the Savile Row community. Discover Arterton online and in-store at 12 & 13 Princes Arcade, St James’s, London. #nakata #garmentbrush #garmentcare #savilerow #satorial #satorialstyle #arterton #menswear #europeanstyle #england #bespoke
New color added to the collection ! The popular Mars brown color is now available for our best seller trouser hangers(AUT-11G).Also, a smoked brown color has been added to the shirt hanger(AUT-09SM). Many customers wanted to unify the color of the hangers in their closets, so both trouser hanger(AUT-11) and shirt hanger(AUT-09) are now available in new colors. And not just the wooden part but the hook part also. Ensure the same high-quality with more variation. 【新色のお知らせ】 スラックスハンガー「AUT-11」にマーズブラウンカラーが登場しました。 また、同じく定番の湾曲があるシャツハンガー「AUT-09」にスモークブラウンカラーも追加しました。 これまで、お客様からいただくご要望のなかで「ハンガーの色味を統一したいので、AUT-11もAUT-09もカラー展開を増やして欲しい」とのお声を多くいただいておりました。 色味に加えて金具部分のカラーも統一してお作りしました。ぜひ、ご検討ください。 #nakatahanger #clotheshanger #suithanger #jackethanger #shirthanger #木製ハンガー #woodenhanger #suitfashion #classicmenswear #wardrobecare
革ジャンの為の、プレミアムハンガー。 ナカタハンガーの最高級ライン、NH-2 ジャケットハンガー。 通常のハンガーとは違い、1枚の板から職人が削り出して作られています。 僕はこれに、革ジャン(ジェームスグロース)の情報を刻印したドッグタグを合わせて使っています。 詳しいブログ記事はプロフィールから。 ■革ジャンの帰る場所|ナカタハンガーNH-2「一本物ハンガー」 @minima_log #ミニマログ #minimalog #ナカタハンガー
NH series is the highest grade hangers made by craftsmen from a single plate of special thickness without any joints. The common design is a "trench" that gives the collar an elegant look. They are the ultimate hangers made by hand by craftsmen.
AUTHENTIC is a highly convenient series that can be selected according to a wide range of purposes. It has been used by various apparel brands, and the hangers have functional features designed with attention to detail and quality.
SET series is a reasonably priced model that maintains a high level of quality. It is a set of 5 pieces with basic functions for stylish and casually enjoying fashion.